Best Google Ads Product Strategy For Research in 2023

For those of you that are struggling to come up with product ideas this blog should at the very least help you with starting the way you should be thinking with product research.
With product research there’s no wrong or right way to do it. This is just the really top level way that I find works for Google Ads. The great thing I like about product research with Google is that really the product doesn’t need to be trending. It doesn’t need to be a hot in thing right now. Those can sell well on Google, but that’s not a requirement.
Products can do really well on Google because a lot of people, a good chunk of people will start doing a bit of research on these products once they see them on their newsfeed, on Facebook, Instagram, and things like that so it can generate search volume, but that you don’t need to have that very ordinary products can sell well on Google and many people can be selling the same thing and still be profitable, which is that really interesting thing with it.
I will say though, that. It’s much less likely that a one product store can do well on Google. Multiple high performing products tend to drive a lot of the sales so you can’t just have one, normally you’ll have 5, 10, 15, 20 products that are selling reasonably well. They’re not all hitting crazy numbers, but together they can make a really, really solid amount of revenue.
I’m gonna take you into a little guide I’ve made and then I’ll walk you through how I do this. And really it’s just to get you in the mind frame of how to do it, and then you can kind of find your own way. Start brainstorming. If you do this process regularly, I guarantee you will get better at it, and over time you’ll see much, much better results.
So let’s jump into my best strategy for product research for Google Ads below:
Research Broad Problems or Niches
This could be something like top level health or hiking or outdoors, how high or how deep you go into it. This doesn’t really matter, but I find that once we get the step two and we narrow down these topics, it really becomes important to go as narrow as possible into these subtopics.
These, which is step two is where we’re narrowing down the initial broad problem. So it could be something like, I want to improve my health, poor health. Or from there you might go pain, I have back pain, I have knee pain. And then we find solutions by narrowing it down. Once we narrow down these things, so you say we’ve got lower back pain, we can then go and find products on Google shopping, Amazon, and things like that to, I guess, uh, solve that problem, need, desire.
This is how we need to start thinking about it, from there we’re going to make a product ideas list on a spreadsheet and narrow it down further based on price point and margin so I prefer higher ticket products but it doesn’t have to be but realistically, you don’t want any less than $30, in my view profit margin because if you don’t have that a lot of the time, it’s very hard to be profitable with your ads. I know some people say $10, $20, I think you should be aiming for $30 profit for the most part.
You can have some that are less, but your mix of products should be at least $30 of profit otherwise getting a cost per conversion lower than that these days can be tricky. It is possible, but it can be tricky…from here we want to check that we can actually source this product if we can’t source the product.
Start Using Your Google Keyword Planner
Then there’s not really much point going much further, but this step is actually easier than you think. Most of the time you’ll be able to source an equivalent product or similar. I’ll show you how to find suppliers outside of AliExpress from here we’re going to validate, so I call this validation phase one. We’re going to check the product is actually in demand and has good search volume and do this in the Google Keyword Planner.
Ideally you want thousands of searches, not hundreds, but it depends on your country. Don’t worry about this step too much again because even a small country like Australia with 25, 26 million people you’d be surprised how quickly even those ones that are hundreds and tens can add up in the keyword planet.
Remember all the similar search terms where one letter might be different, one word, they add up really quickly but if we’re getting thousands, we’ve got a higher chance of hitting bigger numbers so the more search volume, the better. But also normally the more competition.
Analyse Your Competition
So, phase two, we’re gonna also check our competitor’s websites, their social media ads and things like that to see if we can make any improvements to their lending pages, their marketing because while I do mainly run Google Ads, I find that Google Ads benefit from having social media ads as well.
So at the very least, I will be remarketing to people on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok because it creates an omnipresent strategy where people just keep seeing your ads and on top of that, if you are running cold traffic as well, it generates more search interest, which improves your Facebook ads, which improves your Google ads and therefore improves your branded search ads, your shopping ads.
Don’t Leave Money In The Cart
This next step is optional and you can use retargeting through email marketing or sms marketing. We want to make sure we’re extracting as much revenue out of that customer as possible, this is a common additional step that is missed in the online marketing space on YouTube. If you are not extracting that maximum amount of value out of your customers you’ve really left a lot of money on the table, and it’s what separates quite often profitable businesses from unprofitable because the front end now is very hard to be profitable.